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Do I Deserve to Be Loved?
In my sessions, I oftentimes encounter clients who acknowledge that they may be inclined to be hard on themselves. We talk about what an...
I'm [stressed, mad, scared] and I lashed out at my partner, again.
It's a reality that if you've been in a relationship (and even if you haven't) you've also likely experienced what it's like to fight...
I'm working so hard but going no where...
There are a million reasons why we work hard. Some are healthy reasons: We feel a sense of pride in our work We're connected to our...
Therapy vs. Coaching
Nowadays, clients have a wealth of options when it comes to seeking support from a professional. From yoga classes to massage therapists...
I took out the garbage last time!
It's a fight that has come up a thousand times. "Why am I always the one who has to [do the dishes, take out the garbage, plan our...
So, I hate my job.
Unless you're one of the lucky few, at some point you've had a job that's been hard to handle. Whether it was a micromanaging boss, a...
What do we talk about in therapy?
Starting therapy can feel like a daunting process, especially if it's your first time. It's hard to admit you need help, let alone reach...
How to deal with big changes in your life
"The best and worst thing about human beings is their ceaseless ability to adapt." As someone who isn't a huge fan of change, but who...
When insomnia knocks...
I am a long-time sufferer of insomnia. I can't count the number of nights I've spent staring at the clock, watching my potential hours of...
I'm sorry but...
We've all been there. We're in a fight, with a parent, a partner, a friend, and we want it to be over. However, we're not quite ready to...
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